Riverside, Kilcullen

Defined as Phase 3 of an emerging community at Riverside Kilcullen, this residential scheme is comprised of 125 no. residential units which range from 1/2/3/4-bedroom Apartment, Duplex and Housing units. The subject site is located east of Kilcullen town centre and partially constructed Phase 2, all north of the River Liffey. This attractive location harnesses areas of serviced lands for the development of a pin-wheel apartment site close to the town centre to the west, and more traditional 3- & 4-bedroom houses to the east, a centrally located Creche, and development of a linear public park to link all areas of the site.

  • Riverside, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare
  • Riverside, Kilcullen
    • Residential
  • Tetrarch Capital
  • Planning Granted 2022
  • Confidential
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